lunes, 25 de agosto de 2014

HUFFPOST HILL - Turn Off The TV, Paul Ryan Would Rather Play UNO

Republicans say the militarization of America?s police is necessary, or at least until the Sunni Awakening takes hold in East St. Louis. Mike Allen Playbook-shamed Wesley Lowery for being young and not understanding that real journalists stay out of riot zones and stick to hotel conference halls where they toss lawmakers softball questions about their golf game. But in spite of it all, the world seems to be coming to its senses ahead of the weekend with tensions lowering in Ferguson, Iraq and -- oh, GOD DAMNIT, RUSSIA. This is HUFFPOST HILL for Friday, August 15th, 2014:

SENATE WILL REVIEW POLICE MILITARIZATION, SAYS LEVIN - Roll Call: "The chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee will look into the program that provides Pentagon surplus to local police before the full Senate considers the next defense authorization. The Armed Services panel has already approved the fiscal 2015 defense programs bill for Senate floor consideration, and staff for Chairman Carl Levin, D-Mich., and ranking member James M. Inhofe, R-Okla., are working over the August recess to try and develop a defined universal set of amendments to set up for floor consideration. 'Congress established this program out of real concern that local law enforcement agencies were literally outgunned by drug criminals. We intended this equipment to keep police officers and their communities safe from heavily armed drug gangs and terrorist incidents,' Levin said in a statement Friday. 'Before the defense authorization bill comes to the Senate floor, we will review this program to determine if equipment provided by the Defense Department is being used as intended.'" [Roll Call]


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