"Mitt," a documentary about former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney's (R) pursuit of the presidency in 2012, will debut on Netflix's subscription streaming service, according to the Hollywood Reporter.
The film, set to be released January 24, follows Romney and his family from 2006, when he first decided to seek the Republican nomination in the 2008 race, up to his concession speech in 2012. According to Deadline, the filmmaker Greg Whiteley (whose previous works include "New York Doll" and "Resolved") was given "intimate access" to the Romneys' lives throughout both of his presidential campaigns.
Variety notes that "Mitt" will be Netflix's second significant documentary film, following "The Square," an acclaimed look at political unrest in Egypt.
More on Netflix
Fuente: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/12/09/netflix-mitt-romney-documentary_n_4415475.html
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